Google and OpenAI Were Hit with Lawsuits on the Use of AIClient Updates
Artificial Intelligence Companies will Implement Safeguards in AI toolsClient Updates
China Begins Regulating Generative AI ServicesClient Updates
EU Commission Announces U.S. Adequacy under the EU-US Data Privacy FrameworkClient Updates
Music Publishers Assert a $250 Million Lawsuit against Twitter for Copyright InfringementClient Updates
Israeli Privacy Regulator Says Businesses Should Minimize their Processing of National IDsClient Updates
Amazon to Pay Millions to Settle FTC Charges for Violating PrivacyClient Updates
CJEU Says Poland’s Judiciary Reform Violates Privacy and Data Protection RightsClient Updates
The US and the UK Announce 21st Century Economic PartnershipClient Updates
EU Parliament Advances the Artificial Intelligence ActClient Updates
New Data Protection Laws in Texas, Oregon, Connecticut, and NevadaClient Updates
U.S. Supreme Court Says Google and Twitter Are Not Liable for Content that Incites TerrorismClient Updates