EU Council Sanctions Entities and Individuals Involved in Cyber AttacksPublications
US Supreme Court Holds Booking.com a Distinctive and Registrable TrademarkGeneral
WhatsApp’s Lawsuit Against NSO in US Federal Court Survives Motion to DismissGeneral
Italian Telecom Provider Fined Nearly €17 Million for GDPR Violations; Google Fined €600,000 for Violating the Right to be ForgottenClient Updates
Germany: Disclosure of Telecommunications Data to Security Agencies – UnconstitutionalGeneral
New Law Authorizing Israel Security Agency to Track Individuals Amid the Fight Against Covid-19Privacy
European Union’s High Court Strikes Down the Privacy Shield ProgramClient Updates
Draft Bill to Amend the Israeli Privacy LawPrivacy
New Zealand Reforms Local Privacy LawPublications
US FTC Imposes $4 Million Fine on Children’s App That Violated COPPAPublications
US DoJ Report Recommends Curtailing Immunity of Online Platforms for User-Generated ContentPublications
Facial Recognition Technology Takes a Step BackPublications