WhatsApp’s Lawsuit Against NSO in US Federal Court Survives Motion to DismissGeneral
Italian Telecom Provider Fined Nearly €17 Million for GDPR Violations; Google Fined €600,000 for Violating the Right to be ForgottenClient Updates
Germany: Disclosure of Telecommunications Data to Security Agencies – UnconstitutionalGeneral
New Law Authorizing Israel Security Agency to Track Individuals Amid the Fight Against Covid-19Privacy
European Union’s High Court Strikes Down the Privacy Shield ProgramClient Updates
Draft Bill to Amend the Israeli Privacy LawPrivacy
Congratulations to Nuvem Health!Firm News
Federal Circuit Holds Cancellation Standing Does Not Require Proprietary Interest in Asserted MarkPublications
LinkedIn Live Event: A Discussion on the Impact of COVID-19 on US Immigration, July 16, 2020Events
Privacy Issues Amid the Second Wave of CoronavirusPrivacy
PTAB Designates Two Decisions as Informative in Deciding Whether to Institute IPR ProceedingsIntellectual Property
A Primer on the Federal Reserve’s Main Street Lending ProgramCorporate