The electronic gaming market continues to move and change at an incredibly fast pace. Driven by increasing technological capabilities, ever-evolving regulation, and greater political scrutiny, the challenges in the gaming sector have never been greater. In a sector where yesterday’s games can be confined to history, our clients benefit from working with lawyers who deliver swift, effective, and practical advice that helps them to protect market share, stay ahead of the curve and get their products to market.
With a longstanding commitment to the sector, Pearl Cohen’s Gaming group advises an extensive roster of clients, whose games are played on a variety of platforms, including mobile phones, computers, and consoles. As such, we are well placed to help clients stand out from the crowd and deal with the myriad of issues they face, including cloud gaming, digital distribution, finding new models for revenue streams, increased regulation, and the low barriers of entry to new players.
Operating seamlessly across our offices, our international group provides creative and innovative strategies for clients designed to evolve with the market. Comprising IP, trademark, patent and commercial lawyers, we work at the intersection of privacy, technology, and business, combining our deep industry knowledge with legal expertise, including helping our clients protect their IP, advising on critical issues surrounding privacy, such as GDPR, as well as monetizing their games.